Easter Newsletter: Easter-2024

Soup & Sandwich Lunch: Wednesday 3 April & Wednesday 1 May 1200noon in the village hall. Donation £5

Friday 26 April: Taylor’s Fashion Show, 7.30pm in the church. Brian will be bringing his usual great selection of clothing, in a range of styles and sizes, at very competitive prices. We’ve held this event before, and it was very popular. Entry is £5, which includes tea and cakes, so why not come along, pick up a bargain, and enjoy a fun night out.

Saturday 25 May: Plant Sale in the church car park 1030-1230. Refreshments in the church hall.

Sunday 26 May: Prom Concert with Melville Ensemble (woodwind group) at 2.30pm in the church. Tickets £5, children free available after service on a Sunday, at Drop-in Cafe or at the door on the day.

Food Bank: Food bank donations from the school and church are taken to Houston & Killellan Church for distribution to Renfrewshire Food Bank. Many thanks to all who contribute. Last collection from Sunday 24 March taken to for distribution on Tuesday 26 March. Next collection date Sunday 28 April.

Future of the Church: The Kirk Sessions of Langbank and Houston & Killellan met recently to discuss the Presbytery Plan for both congregations. Both Kirk Sessions agreed that a linkage would best meet the needs of both congregations, with a union being something which could be worked towards in the future. This suggestion now has to be accepted by Presbytery and the General Trustees in Edinburgh. Hopefully there will be more information to follow later on this.
